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Josh Liebman Encourages Running Toward Complaints, Not Away From Them

When it comes to receiving complaints, there are many people who would view this as a negative occurrence. However, Josh Liebman encourages companies to seek out complaints, saying that there are likely many other people who feel the same way, but will never say anything. Without complaints, you never know what needs improving.

Shep speaks with Josh Liebman, an expert in handling complaints. Josh is a fanatic about the benefits of hearing complaints. He encourages companies to seek out constructive criticism in order to improve their way of doing business. Josh also explains how to recover from service failures and gain loyal customers. If you have customers (and I know you do), this this is a powerful must-listen-to episode of Amazing Business Radio!


Top Takeaways:

  • In addition to amazing information about mystery shopping and managing customer complaints, Josh Liebman shares his LTAST formula for managing service failure:
    • L – Listen: Understand and process the complaint. Validate the customer’s comments even if you don’t agree with what is being said.
    • T – Thank: Thank the customer for the complaint. Don’t get defensive. This will tear down the wall between you and the customer.
    • A – Apologize: Apologize, but don’t apologize for the cause of the complaint; apologize for the effect. If you apologize for the cause, this only places blame on someone or something.
    • S – Solve: Provide specific service recovery that fits the complaint.
    • T – Thank: Thank the customer again, this time for the opportunity to make it right. Also, thank them for future business that will result because of the solution.


Josh Liebman is the Director of Business Development at Amusement Advantage, Inc. In this role, Josh has enabled numerous attractions to improve how they meet and exceed expectations, and then follow through by harnessing satisfaction and converting it to lifelong loyalty. With more than 12 years of experience in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Attractions Industry, Joshua specializes in guest experience training, feedback analysis, mystery shopping, and quality assurance consulting.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, “New York Times” best-selling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.

“Everyone is competing for the entertainment dollar, and the way that you get that dollar is through the experience.” – Josh Liebman


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This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:

  1. Why is my company having complaints or a service failure?
  2. How can I recover from customer complaints or a service failure?
  3. How can I resolve a complaint?
  4. How can I manage complaining and angry customers?
  5. How can I implement secret shoppers?
  6. How can I eliminate customer complaints?
  7. How do I resolve customer complaints?
  8. How do I prevent the same complaints from happening again and again?

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