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The Nine Mistakes

Finding Your Purpose to Achieve Success Sooner

Shep Hyken interviews Skip Prichard. They discuss Skip’s new book, The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future, which details the most common mistakes people make in their professional and personal lives.

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Shep’s Opening Monologue

Shep’s opening monologue addresses the question of how new technologies have changed–and haven’t changed–customer service.

The Interview with Skip Prichard:

  • Skip wrote The Book of Mistakes for people who are in transition and/or seeking success in their lives.
  • Skip wrote the book as a novel rather than a nonfiction piece because stories are remembered 22 times more than facts. When backed up by story, facts are more engaging to a reader or audience.
  • Skip shared several of the nine mistakes: The first mistake is “working on someone else’s dream.” It is crucial to find your own unique purpose in life and think about your identity. If you pursue this, you will find more fulfillment in your work.
  • The second mistake is “allowing someone else to define your value.” The nickel analogy helps explain this: nickels cost ten cents to make, but they are worth only five cents because they are stamped with that value.
  • The third mistake people make is “accepting excuses.” Not only do we have a habit of accepting the excuses of others, we create and accept excuses for ourselves. The only excuses that are valid come from things we have no control over.
  • Skip’s team went from being last in the country to first when he asked them what they liked doing best and then incorporated their answers into their jobs. When people pursue things they are passionate about, their work performance drastically improves.
  • Be aware of how you define yourself and how you define your competition. It is crucial to bypass limitations that are placed upon you by others if you want to succeed.


“Your purpose is completely unique to you. How do you design your life to fulfill that purpose?” – Skip Prichard

“If you have a very clear purpose, it attracts people, ideas, and resources to its cause.” – Skip Prichard

“The most successful people do not allow other people to define their value. It works in individuals; it works in companies.” – Skip Prichard

“Readiness is when your desire is greater than your distraction.” – Skip Prichard


Skip Prichard is an accomplished CEO, growth-oriented business leader, and keynote speaker. He is also the author of The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.

This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:

  1. How have new technologies changed customer service?
  2. What are the nine most common mistakes people make?
  3. How can you achieve more fulfillment in the workplace?
  4. What sets successful people apart?
  5. How can you ensure you’re ready to start the journey?



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