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How Government (and Any Business) Can Transform Customer Experience with Gabriele Masili

Enhancing Customer and Citizen Experience through Real-Time Feedback and Personalization

Shep Hyken interviews Gabriele “G” Masili, Chief Customer Officer at Granicus, a company that helps governments engage the people they serve. He discusses enhancing governmental customer experiences through real-time feedback, personalization, citizen engagement, and human-centered design – something every type of business should be doing.

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This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions and more:   

  1. How can listening to customer exchanges improve overall service experiences? 
  2. Why is it important to get feedback in real time? 
  3. What is human-centered design? 
  4. How can personalization contribute to better engagement? 
  5. What strategies can organizations use to empower employees to improve customer interactions? 

Top Takeaways

  • Listening to customers is crucial in improving their experiences. Employees should pay attention to what customers say and use those insights to improve things.  
  • Gathering feedback while someone is using a service, not just after, can provide valuable insights to improve processes and fix issues before they escalate constantly.  
  • When many people provide feedback, it can be analyzed to show trends and areas for improvement. This data helps make informed decisions on enhancing services further. It provides valuable insights into what customers or citizens need and want. 
  • Trust is essential when dealing with government services. When people trust their government, they have better experiences. Trust can be built by engaging constituents and personalizing services to meet their needs. When people feel understood and valued, their trust in the service provider, whether the government or private companies, grows. 
  • Using human-centered design helps tailor services to meet the specific needs of different people. This means creating journeys that take into account how individuals interact with services.  
  • Unlike businesses that often compete, government entities frequently learn from each other and share strategies. They work together to improve citizen experiences by sharing the best practices. This collaboration helps everyone benefit from successful approaches and avoid common problems.
  • Personalizing services means adjusting them to fit the needs of different people. Asking for the right information allows organizations to tailor their offerings and provide better experiences.  
  • Plus, “G” shares how staffing issues affect government service delivery. Tune in! 


“When you look at what drives a good government experience, it’s trust. Create better trust between the government and constituents by promoting better engagement.” 

“The more specific you can be about constituent and customer needs, the better the engagement you’ll achieve. Personalization is at the center of this, and it begins with asking them to share information to enhance their experience.” 

“Get feedback during the experience, not just after it, and you’ll have an opportunity to use that feedback to create a better experience before the whole journey ends.” 

“The most important thing we need as a community is to help provide information to improve our experiences. Never feel that nothing can change in government experiences. There are thousands of people truly listening with the intent to make it better for you.”


Gabriele “G” Masili is the Chief Customer Officer at Granicus. He is a keynote speaker and CX thought leader. 

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and host of Amazing Business Radio.

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