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Top 5 Customer Service & CX Articles for the Week of February 27, 2023

Each week, I read many customer service and customer experience articles from various resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too. 8 Ways to Enhance Your Call Center Customer Experience by Eric Sims (CustomerThink) In today’s […]

Each week, I read many customer service and customer experience articles from various resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

8 Ways to Enhance Your Call Center Customer Experience by Eric Sims

(CustomerThink) In today’s business landscape, providing an exceptional customer experience is essential to the success of any company. A company’s call center is often the primary point of contact between customers and the organization. Therefore, optimizing the call center experience should be a top priority for companies that want to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

My Comment: Let’s kick off this week’s Top Five roundup with an article focused on the customer support center. Here you will be reminded of eight common-sense ideas to help you and your team deliver a better service experience. Yes, they are basic, but ignoring them would be a mistake.

Customer Retention Strategies for Driving Loyalty in Uncertain Times by Rich Hein

(CMSWire) One thing all businesses can bank on in the future is that things will be more uncertain and unpredictable than ever before. From global pandemics, to the resulting supply chain and employment issues, to challenging economic headwinds, extreme weather and huge changes in consumer behaviors, brands must focus on maximizing value from their most important customers with programs that improve customer loyalty and retention.

My Comment: I’m often asked how to deliver customer service in challenging times. My short answer is not to change anything that the customer would notice. That said, inflation is high, supply chain issues are still a problem, and some companies are still experiencing employee shortages. All that makes for challenges that require us to step up our CX if we want to keep our best customers.

The Many Reasons Why Customer Needs, Expectations Are Rapidly Changing by Isabelle Romualdez

(Retail Customer Experience) The definition of a ‘good customer experience’ today is nowhere as simple or straightforward as it was just a few decades ago when assessing customer sentiment was carried out through a few phone surveys for example. The modern consumer is multifaceted and complex, reacting to a wide range of factors: economic, social, political, and beyond, and they are more demanding than ever before.

My Comment: Customer expectations are changing – in some cases, faster than many businesses can keep up. One big reason is that rock star companies have taught our customers what a good experience should be. They like it, and now they expect it from others. This article has three more reasons. In addition, the author shares some “factors” that contribute to a better CX.

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Experience Professionals by Michelle Hawley

(CMSWire)In a world where customer experience (CX) is increasingly important, CX professionals need to stay ahead of the curve. That’s where ChatGPT comes in. This cutting-edge generative artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to change the way CX leaders do their jobs — making it easier to gather insights, respond to customer needs and drive positive outcomes. In this article, you’ll find five ChatGPT prompts that every CX professional should know about. Whether you’re just getting started with ChatGPT or looking to expand your skills, this is a must-read for anyone in the CX field.

My Comment: ChatGPT is one of the most talked about and written about topics in the past two months. The possibilities of the platform have enormous potential for customer support. The key is knowing how to ask the questions, also known as “prompts,” which is what this article teaches us.

9 Ways to Grow Repeat Buyers by Pamela Hazelton

(Practical Ecommerce) A loyal customer base can take years to build, especially if you offer an average experience, no better than competitors. But shoppers seek more than average. The key to brand-loyal customers is to offer things your competitors don’t. And that includes the shopping and order support experiences.

My Comment: The secret to creating repeat business – and even customer loyalty – in an eCommerce business is to deliver a confident experience. Amazon has mastered this. They inform you when you place the order, when the order is shipped, and when it arrives. The customer feels in control. This article has some great suggestions that will put more confidence into your customer experience.


11 Podcasts to Keep Your CX Game Sharp by Melanie Mingas

(CX Network) In a little over 20 years the humble podcast has exploded in popularity and in the world of CX, there is no shortage of expert voices sharing their tips and tricks with the world. In this article, CX Network presents its selection of some of the most original and popular podcasts to help you fine tune your CX strategy, along with their unique selling points.

My Comment: If you want to learn some excellent CX tips, ideas, strategies, and tactics, try listening to some podcasts. Here are eleven of them, and I’m honored that Amazing Business Radio is one of the elite eleven. (Thank you, CX Network!)

Shep Hyken is a customer service/CX expert, award-winning keynote speaker, and New York Times bestselling author. Learn more about Shep’s customer service and customer experience keynote speeches and his customer service training workshops at Connect with Shep on LinkedIn.


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