Contact Shep (314) 692-2200

Top Takeaways:


“People keep actual handwritten notes. When someone receives a handwritten note from somebody, not only would they read it, they might even put it on display.” “If you screw up, fix it and then follow up with a handwritten note. Fixing mistakes the right way can make your customer more loyal than if the mistake had not happened in the first place.” “One of the big benefits of handwritten notes is having that personal touch. To give that up is a step in the wrong direction. Regardless of the size of your company, you want to be seen as a personal company.”


David Wachs is the Founder and CEO of Handwrytten, a platform for writing and sending handwritten notes at scale. He is a serial entrepreneur and frequent speaker on marketing technology. Previously, David was the Founder and President of Cellit. Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.

This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:

  1. How can I personalize my customer experience?
  2. What is the power of a handwritten note?
  3. How can I show appreciation to my customers?
  4. Why is personalization important in the customer experience?
  5. How can I recover from mistakes?

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