Contact Shep (314) 692-2200

Top Takeaways:

– The new technology, artificial intelligence, reads and analyzes all support conversations, regardless of channel, and even tags them with reasons. The goal of this platform is to provide you with real-time insight into why consumers are contacting you in the first place. – Customers’ input is as critical as what prevents them from checking out, purchasing something, or returning anything. – The ultimate goal of gathering information is to help this customer solve the problem and prevent future problems. This information should subsequently be disseminated across the board with everyone involved. – Businesses often overlook the value of the customer service department. This department assures and is accountable for your customer’s return. They’re essentially a client retention division. Companies should appreciate their support workers in addition to their data.


“Support information is basically a gold mine of insight. And that goldmine is not just for your support department, it’s for an entire company.” “This is how you can become a bit more proactive and collaborate better to improve customer experience by bringing everyone together by sharing these insights, making everyone at the same pit with another problem. The bigger the company, the bigger the problem of silos.” “Value your support, the support data, and that can change the trajectory of your company.” “The qualitative data from customers tell you why; quantitative data mostly tells you what everyone needs like.”


Sharad Khandelwal, co-founder and CEO of SentiSum, aspires to alter the way major corporations make key choices. He believes they should shift away from gut feelings and toward data-driven judgments. He’s passionate about using data and technology to help businesses become more customer-centric. Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio. This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more: 
  1. Why is Customer Insight Important for Business?
  2. What are some non-tech methods for gaining valuable consumer insights?
  3. Assuming there’s no AI technology, what other ways to acquire additional consumer information in advance?
  4. How do you improve customer experience?
  5. What steps can you take to avoid future consumer complaints?

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