Contact Shep (314) 692-2200
Top Takeaways: ABOUT: Chip Bell has helped many Fortune 100 companies dramatically enhance their bottom lines and marketplace reputation through innovative customer-centric strategies. Bell reveals the best practices from the organizations leading the customer loyalty charge, giving his audiences powerful cutting-edge ideas and unique strategies they can immediately put into practice. Bell has authored eight national best-selling books. His latest book is Kaleidoscope: Delivering Innovative Service That Sparkles Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, best-selling author and your host of Amazing Business Radio.

“Intention of the customer is good, but their behavior is much more important.” – Chip Bell

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This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions… and more:
  1. How do you define customer loyalty?
  2. Why is looking outside your industry one of the best ways to improve your customer experience?
  3. Why isn’t the Net Promoter Score by itself good enough?
  4. What is the difference between “value add” and “value unique”?
  5. How can you get a customer to become a true advocate or evangelist for you?
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