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Top Takeaways:


“85% of customers say that being able to find information or resolve an issue themselves versus contacting customer support is either very important or fairly important.” “Customers are increasingly preferring to be able to find answers on their own instead of waiting on a chat queue or sitting on the phone.” “Don’t overlook the power of search to create a great user experience.”


Joe Jorczak is the Head of Industry for Service & Support at Yext where he is responsible for defining and executing the strategic direction for the company’s service and support offerings. Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio. This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:
  1. What are the challenges that support teams encounter when finding the answers to their customers’ questions?
  2. Why is customer self-service important?
  3. Do customers prefer self-service?
  4. Why is a knowledge base important?
  5. How do customers prefer to find answers to their questions?

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