Contact Shep (314) 692-2200
How Phone Is Answered Is an Important First ImpressionWhen was the last time you called your business? Have you given thought to your first impression? I recently gave a keynote presentation at a conference. After the speech, the client gave me a gift: a list of everyone in the audience with their contact information. She suggested I pick up the phone and let everyone know they should hire me to speak at their next meeting. (Now, that’s a nice gift!) So, a week later our team picked up the phones and started “smiling and dialing.” We connected with a good number of people who responded positively to our calls, but that’s not what this is about. It’s about how a company’s phones are answered – and you can probably guess, this is more rant than rave. The number of companies that messed up their first impression was ridiculously high. About a third of the way into the calls I realized we should have done a formal study. (more…)

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