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Turn One-Time Purchasers Into Lifelong Customers

How would you like to never lose a customer again?

Award-winning speaker Joey Coleman shares the secrets behind not only gaining new customers but also how to make them customers for life. He shares his 100 Days principle, and discusses his new book “Never Lose a Customer Again.”

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Top Takeaways:

  • The Difference Between Customer Service and Customer Experience: Customer service is usually reactive, or the detailed, tactical steps taken when dealing with customers whereas customer experience is usually proactive consisting of the interactions, perceptions, and the feelings and emotions created with a customer.
  • Customers for life are built within the first 100 days. The 100 Days principle is a strategy for running a business, starting from the moment a customer decides to do business with your company. From there, it’s a ticking clock from day 1 to day 100. This is an opportunity to navigate the customer through a journey.
  • Social media should be used more as a listening device than as a megaphone device. You should be listening to what your customers are saying at an individualized level on social media so that you can personalize their experience versus using social media as a megaphone for you to blast your content and message out to the world.
  • After closing the deal with the customer, the job is not done. Continually nurture the relationship, rather than just walking away after a sale is made. That is how you create loyalty.


Joey Coleman helps companies keep their customers. An award-winning speaker, he works with organizations around the world ranging from small startups to major brands. He is the co-host of the “Experience This” podcast with customer thought leader, Dan Gingiss. His First 100 Days methodology fuels the remarkable experiences his clients deliver. In his upcoming book, “Never Lose a Customer Again,” (scheduled for publication March 2018) he shares strategies and tactics for turning one-time purchasers into lifelong customers.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, “New York Times” best-selling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.

“If you get that first 100 days right, all the research shows that you will have the potential for a customer for life.” – Joey Coleman


This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:

  1. How can I make my customers feel better about working with me?
  2. Am I using social media properly?
  3. After a prospect becomes a customer, how do I create loyalty?
  4. After a customer buys, how do I keep them?
  5. How do I create customer loyalty?
  6. Am I creating a customer experience or just customer service?
  7. What is the difference between customer service and customer experience?


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