Contact Shep (314) 692-2200

Top Takeaways:


“If you want to turn your customers into super fans it’s all going to start with the customer experience.” – Lars Kristensen “You’ve got this marketing nugget, your customer’s review. This is an amazing piece of content, and you want to use it.” – Lars Kristensen “Don’t panic about negative reviews. They can open up the doors to some of the best marketing opportunities.” – Lars Kristensen “Getting your customers to be a little marketing hub for you, that’s the golden ticket.” – Lars Kristensen


Lars Kristensen is the Founder of NiceJob, a marketing service that helps companies improve their public reviews and use them to reach a broader customer base. Kristensen used his marketing agency experience to create a low-budget marketing app that yields big returns. Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.   This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:
  1. Why is feedback so important?
  2. What are reviews for?
  3. How do I respond to a negative review?
  4. What are the best review sites?
  5. How do I promote my business online for free?
  6. How do I market on social media?

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