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Simple is Transformative in the Customer Experience

Revolutionizing Communication So It’s Personalized, Secure, and Effortless

Shep Hyken interviews Matt Gillin. They discuss the secrets of driving customer loyalty and a good customer experience (CX). Here’s a hint: it’s all in providing a secure, personalized, and frictionless channel of communication.

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Top Takeaways:

  • The biggest challenge facing business today is how to more effectively engage and connect with customers. Companies must find innovative solutions if they hope to overcome this obstacle and find success.
  • Every organization’s goal should be to get their customers to say, “Wow, thank you!” Customers expect this now more than ever before in addition to a more personalized experience.
  • The best way to connect and engage with customers is through a channel that is personalized, on-demand, secure, and most importantly, frictionless. If your customer’s experience is not easy, they will not remain loyal to you or your brand.
  • A technical advantage alone is not enough to satisfy and delight your customers. Make sure you invest in your core services and customer engagement. That is what will ensure a competitive advantage for your company.
  • It can be difficult for businesses to make the shift to a better customer experience due to legacy systems, infrastructures, and thinking. Solutions must also be easy and frictionless.
  • Information and the channel through which it is delivered must be relevant to customers. Customers resist technology and AI when it is not relevant, secure, or personalized to them.
  • There must always be a human element in each relationship. Customers want to do business with companies that know them and that allow for effortless communication.
  • The goal should always be to create a better connection with your customers. At the end of the day, that’s what drives a good CX and customer loyalty.


  • “The world is now on-demand and highly personalized. The secret of the game is to make it easy and frictionless.”
  • “If you’re not delighting your customers, if you’re not making things easy for them, they will not be your customers for long.”
  • “When you know your customers and maintain flowing, frictionless lines of communication, that’s when you win as an enterprise. That’s when customers stay”


Matt Gillin is the CEO and co-founder of Relay Network, a Gartner-designated “Cool Vendor” in CRM Customer Service and Support. He has over 20 years of experience as an active entrepreneur, pioneer and inventor.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.

This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:

  1. How do customers want to communicate with companies?
  2. How can I drive customer loyalty?
  3. What is the future of customer service and communication?
  4. How can I adapt and evolve my business?
  5. What strategies can help me create a frictionless customer experience?
  6. How can I effectively use technology like AI?

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