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How to Never Lose an Employee Again

Empowering Employees From the First 100 Days and Beyond

Shep Hyken interviews Joey Coleman, an award-winning speaker and author of Never Lose an Employee Again: The Simple Path to Remarkable Retention. He shares why employees leave, and how organizations can create a meaningful work culture that supports longevity.

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Top Takeaways:

  • You can only expect to deliver a remarkable customer experience if you have remarkable employees. People think that customer experience and employee experience are two different silos. The better way to look at it is that they are two sides of the same coin because we need to work on both.
  • The first 100 days are the most important time in the entire relationship with an employee. This is where the foundation is laid. How we onboard employees and make them feel part of our organization’s community can differentiate whether they will be long-time employees or leave as fast as they came.
  • When onboarding and acclimating your employees, the number of days you’re willing to spend teaching them, showing them the ropes, and “holding their hand” is directly proportional to the number of months they will stay as an employee.
  • Work Institute did a massive survey of exit interview investigations, and here’s what they found – Top 5 reasons why employees leave:
    • Reason #1 Career – 24% of the employees leave because they couldn’t see a clear career path.
    • Reason #2 Job – Stress, lack of resources, training, and empowerment.
    • Reason #3 Health and Family – Their personal health or a responsibility to care for kids or aging parents.
    • Reason #4 Work-Life Balance – Travel, commute, or scheduling.
    • Reason #5 Rewards – Only 9% of employees leave for a bigger paycheck.
  • Employers may care about their employees, but the employees themselves may not know it. Your employees probably have no idea of all the time and effort you’re spending thinking about making payroll, advancing their careers, and making sure people don’t suffer burnout. Share it with them, but when you do, spend a little less time telling and a little more time showing.
  • Plus, Joey shares two of the eight phases of the employee journey that every organization needs to ace. Tune in!


“If you’re not painting a clear path for your people and expecting them to manage and figure out their careers on their own, then you deserve to lose them.”

“If employees are experiencing stress outside of work that will impact their nine-to-five, as employers, it’s our responsibility to look out for them. Be empathetic of what they are going through, and create a safe environment where they can share what’s going on.”

“As a leader, you have the opportunity to establish the culture in your organization and set the norms. You can do that by leading by example and talking about things in your personal life that might impact how you show up in the workplace.”

“If you’re only going to spend a day bringing them on board, don’t be surprised when they leave 100 days later.”

“Employers say, ’I wish my employees cared as much about the business as I do.’ However, your employees wish you cared as much about them as you do about the business.”


Joey Coleman is the creator of the First 100 Days® methodology for improving customer and employee retention. He is the author of Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days and Never Lose an Employee Again: The Simple Path to Remarkable Retention.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and host of Amazing Business Radio.

This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions and more:

  1. What are the benefits of employee retention? 
  2. How are customer experience and employee experience related?
  3. Why are the first 100 days of an employee’s experience crucial?
  4. Why do employees tend to leave the company they work with?
  5. Why do employees stay long in a company? (Is this the way we want to word the question?)

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