Contact Shep (314) 692-2200
How often do you “touch” your customers, clients, or guests? Lessons by examples: A good percentage of my clients are in the financial services industry; financial advisors, financial planners, banks, insurance, etc.  One of the common efforts made by the top producers in these fields is that they stay in touch with their customers and clients.  It may be a phone call, a note, an article, an email – whatever – they keep in touch on a consistent and routine basis.  The top financial advisors talk to their clients monthly, with major reviews every six months to a year.  (Conversely, a recent survey  – October 2002, Insurance Marketing, The Phoenix Companies – indicated that 40% of dissatisfied clients were unhappy with the lack of proactive contact.) Not long ago I went shopping for some new clothes.  Several days later, I received a thank you note.  Then, two months later, I received a postcard, signed by my salesperson, announcing the latest sale. A couple of months after that, there was a message on my voicemail from this salesperson just “checking in” and telling me that the new season’s clothes had just arrived. This guy is good.  He has a system.  He keeps track of his customers and keeps in touch with them. Recently my wife and I tried a new restaurant.  It was very good.  On the way out, the hostess thanked us and asked for our e-mail address.  Two days later, we received an e-mail thanking us for our business with a promotion for the next time we came in.  Every month we receive an email with the newest specials. One of my clients is a CEO who writes a short note twice a year to all 1,000 plus employees in his company.  Sometimes it is a holiday or birthday card.  Other times it is a congratulatory note of some kind.  Regardless, everyone gets “touched” at least twice a year. Everyone, in just about any type of business, can do this for both external and internal customers.  With all of the technology we have available to us, it is easy to mix in some of the personal with the non-personal/technical contact.  This shows we care and keeps us “in touch.” It puts our names in front of people.  Overall, it gives us a competitive edge. Are you keeping in touch with the people you should?  I know I am.  Furthermore, if you are reading this “Shepard Letter,” it means that I have “touched” you once again! Shep Hyken is a customer service/CX expert, award-winning keynote speaker, and New York Times bestselling author. Learn more about Shep’s customer service and customer experience keynote speeches and his customer service training workshops at Connect with Shep on LinkedIn. (Copyright ©MMXI, Shep Hyken)

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